The Integrated Blog

I Disappeared in 2024
Angela Erickson Angela Erickson

I Disappeared in 2024

New Year, New Me?

Nah. Not really, but I cut my hair so kind of? Ha!

But, I am hoping to dive back into my podcast this year. 2024 was a whirlwind of change, and keeping up has been hard.

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Little Gestures Can Have a Huge Spiritual Impact
Angela Erickson Angela Erickson

Little Gestures Can Have a Huge Spiritual Impact

I recently was making my way through Costco with all five of my kids in tow. It isn’t unusual for us to have a variety of interactions there about our family size— which I find hilarious to be honest.

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Meatless Meal Inspo
Angela Erickson Angela Erickson

Meatless Meal Inspo

This may come as a surprise to many, but Catholics should be abstaining from meat every Friday during the year— not just during Lent. Modern Catholics are generally unaccustomed to this practice, but as Canon 1251 states…

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The Little Ways of Lent
Lent, Liturgical Living Angela Erickson Lent, Liturgical Living Angela Erickson

The Little Ways of Lent

I’ve been reflecting a lot on Lent. This is one of my favorite liturgical seasons of the year— weird, I know. I tend to feel as if I need more penance in my life as this is the season I typically grow the most spiritually. I need to be stretched. I’m grateful for the wisdom of the Church that draws us into a spiritual desolation of sorts every year so we can prepare for the great gift of the resurrection.

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The Pillars of Integrated
Angela Erickson Angela Erickson

The Pillars of Integrated

Nearly two years ago, I wrote a blog post (you can read it here) about what it means to be integrated, and I have been challenged to revisit what it means to me.

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How to Combat Disordered Shame
Angela Erickson Angela Erickson

How to Combat Disordered Shame

A properly formed conscience should inform our behavior— not the other way around. Yet, many of us today allow our experiences and our vices to shape our consciences.

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Apologetics in a Post-Roe America
Angela Erickson Angela Erickson

Apologetics in a Post-Roe America

It’s hard to believe we may really see the end of Roe vs. Wade in America.

For over a decade I have envisioned the overturning of one of the most disastrous rulings our nation has ever seen, but if I’m being totally honest, after years in the pro-life movement, I wasn’t sure we would ever see an end to the federal protection of abortion.

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What does the Angelic Doctor Have to Say About Alcohol?
Angela Erickson Angela Erickson

What does the Angelic Doctor Have to Say About Alcohol?

Catholics are known to enjoy a good drink– especially when it comes to wine or beer. As much as I personally love a good cabernet, an Irish amber, or a good Old Fashioned, I know it is also true that alcohol can be detrimental to our lives if it is abused.

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What does it mean to be Integrated?
Introduction Angela Erickson Introduction Angela Erickson

What does it mean to be Integrated?

In this blog and on the podcast, I will be exploring questions about our human nature with a special attentiveness to bridging the chasm that often exists between the intellect and the will, our bodies and our souls. I want to explore difficult questions, stories of conversion, and relevant issues in our culture and in the Church with an eye towards how we can live lives in accord with our nature, reconciling our brokenness with God’s mercy and justice. 

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I Think I’ll Leave the Dirty Dishes
Angela Erickson Angela Erickson

I Think I’ll Leave the Dirty Dishes

The dishes piled up in the sink are reminders that have been striving to make my family wholesome meals.

The piles of laundry waiting to be folded suggest that I have children who are clothed.

The crumbs on the dining room floor reveal to me I have children who are well fed.

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Your Children Are Entitled
Angela Erickson Angela Erickson

Your Children Are Entitled

I distinctly remember sitting in my car crying my eyes out in a parking lot in the cities. I had been told there was a meeting for an organization I was newly involved in, and when I arrived, there was not a soul to be found. I had embarked on the 45 minute drive in rush hour traffic only to discover that there was no meeting.

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